Dr. Paul Viio Sales Academy

3-Part Value Sales Management video course

3-part course fee: €975

This 3-part mini Value Sales Management video course is made for sales executives and their challenges in mind. 

3-Part Value Sales Management video course

The course uncovers the fundamentals of value sales management that a sales executive should know. 

The challenges that I refer to often include being in B2B sales in an industry with well-informed customers and purchasing professionals. Additionally, it might be difficult to differentiate yourself from competitors based on your products, technical skills, not to mention cost-leadership. Hence, focusing on customer value becomes increasingly important, in fact, it might even be the only viable and sustainable option. So, if you are a sales executive, this course is for you. 

The video course will help you help improve your company’s sales performance. It does so by focusing on three topics: understanding, co-creating and co-delivering customer value.

To learn the contents of each individual part would normally require at least a half-day training for each part, and as you would normally have to pay several thousand Euros for each training, this would normally entail an investment in the range of €10.000 in trainer fees only. But, as I want to make this knowledge easily accessible and affordable for everyone, I have decided to offer all three parts for a one-time payment of only €975, which is about a tenth of the price for live training. In essence, you get the same knowledge in a condensed package and basically at a 90% discount.

”>The video course will help you help improve your company’s sales performance. It does so by focusing on three topics: understanding, co-creating and co-delivering customer value.

Cource content

The first part

Understanding customer value

The first part: Understanding customer value focuses on the Why, and what it means to adopt and run a customer-value-oriented business, as opposed to adopting a transactional business focus.

The second part

Co-creating customer value

The second part:  Co-creating customer value focuses on what customers want and what we and our sales teams, together with our sales support, can do to co-create value both for our customers and us, i.e. our firm. Plus, it also provides information on how to do this.

The third part

Co-delivering customer value

The third part: Co-delivering customer value helps put things into practice. It provides a fairly detailed view on what and how we and our sales and sales supportive teams & individuals can and should work to help our customers create value – and also for us to become the first choice of our customers.

Start now!

3-part course fee: €975

Dr. Paul Viio Sales Academy

Tähän PAULIN esittely

Lyhyesti minusta, myynnin kouluttaja ja myynnin työpajan vetäjästäsi:

* Triple crown university: Accredited by the leading accreditation organizations for higher-level education AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. What’s makes being ’triple crown’ special? Less than 1% of universities and business schools in the world belong to this elite group of schools.

Mitä asiakkaat sanovat?

Aikaisempiin myynnin koulutuksiin ja työpajoihin osallistuneiden palautteita:

Tor M. Bjørge

Director MI & D, Prysmian Group

”I have had the pleasure of working with Paul on two executive sales trainings for our company – Prysmian Group. The two trainings targeted our sales directors and sales & account managers respectively for the North European region.

Together with Paul, we developed a sales and customer management program, which was customized to fit our business and situation. Measuring our performance against the characteristics of high-performing sales organizations, we were able to benchmark our performance level. This helped us give the right weight for each part of the two programs to optimally target the areas that needed development.

In addition to addressing sales strategies and processes from a customer focus perspective, the trainings also provided lots of insightful examples and useful “rules of engagement” for sales, of which Paul has a lot of knowledge and personal experience.

Paul has just the right mix of academic and practical approach, and for us this was key. It is easy to go too far in one direction, but for us, we need this balance, and Paul provided this in an excellent way.

I can warmly recommend Paul for executive sales trainings when the aim is to develop high-performing sales organizations. I would hire him again!”

Tor M. Bjørge

Director MI & D, Prysmian Group

Marie Wahlström

COO, House of Innovation, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm

”I contracted Dr Paul Viio to be the Academic Expert in one of our thematic groups with several industrial companies represented.

I am very pleased with our cooperation, and Paul’s expertise and ability to present information to the participants in an inspiring and clear manner. He is most responsive to the group, and catches the moods and reflections from the participants, making his presentation into more of a dialogue – the best kind of input! He also gave examples and reflections based on the present companies’ situations. That engages and delivers high value and a great deal of knowledge to the participants.

I can highly recommend Paul as expert and keynote speaker on topics related to value business and sales management.”

Marie Wahlström

COO, House of Innovation, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm