News: Dr. Paul Viio Appointed Director Sales Research at Hanken


As of January 1, 2013 Dr. Paul Viio has been appointed Director Sales Research at CERS, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland. Dr. Viio is responsible for sales research and teaching selected courses in personal selling & sales management, marketing and purchasing.

”It is an honour to be awarded this newly established position. Hanken – the home of service and relationship marketing – is the best environment for conducting research with focus on value-based sales: at Hanken they have an in-depth understanding of the importance of value, service and relationships in business. Additionally, teaching personal selling and sales management with a strong focus on value, service and relationships to highly motivated and bright students is fun.” – Paul Viio

About: Hanken School of Economics: Hanken, founded in 1909, is a leading, internationally accredited (Equis and AMBA) university in the field of economics and business administration. It has more international students than any other Finnish business university. Hanken’s research operations are of an internationally high standard and the School maintains close and intensive links with the business world. More information, click here.

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